
  • BLCCafé registration


    Please register so you can make use of the 'online community' function which is digital forum tool for information & knowledge sharing

    Reserve Ticket


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In cooperation with the Consul-General of the Consulate of The Kingdom of Belgium in Hong Kong, Mr. Peter Robberecht, the BLCC is happy to present you with the concept of BLCCafé!


BLCCafé is an online webinar style sharing session for everyone in our Belgian & Luxembourg business communities to attend. The first session is planned for Tuesday 14 April starting at 3.30pm.

Grab a coffee or tea, an afternoon snack & listen in on Mr. Robberecht outlining how his Consulate has been dealing with the situation of the last few months & what his outlook is. We plan to have our attendees follow up on that with their experiences & sharing of best practices followed by an interactive Q&A session among all attendees.

This event also sees the first time use of the 'event community tool', an online forum tool that allows all registered attendees using the EventBank mobile app to post their questions to all other attendees before & after the event, adding to the interactivity.

Please join us for this insightful & participative first session of BLCCafé, register today and post your stories or questions on the event community forum tool. For the actual session on Tuesday 14 April 3.30pm onward we will be using Webex.

Here are the details of the session for your reference:

  • Meeting number (access code): 575 203 968
  • Meeting password: BLCCafe14apr (25222331 from phones and video systems)
  • You can also join by phone from Hong Kong on 3071 0029 or from Belgium on +32 2620 0868.

We look forward to having you with us!

Organizers & Sponsors
