New regulations and substantial changes to Law on Enterprise 2020 and Law on Investment 2020 have recently been adopted in Vietnam.
In light of its relevance to Foreign Invested Companies (FIC), your BLCC is pleased to invite you to this hybrid event in collaboration with our corporate member Fidinam.
In this hybrid event, with the partnership of the Italian Chamber of Commerce, the legal procedure to set up a FIC in Vietnam will be discussed with reference to the two aforementioned laws.
We look forward to welcoming to the BLCC audience our speakers Anne de Roulhac & Sara Silenzi! Their talks will be preceded with a brief word of welcome by Alessandro Pedrinoni, CEO of Fidinam APAC and Managing Director of Fidinam Vietnam.
Register today! Attend this event to gain valuable insights into Vietnam's FIC business landscape in the context of its new regulations.
Unfortunately due to the current health restrictions, we cannot serve any lunch or refreshments, please make sure to have lunch before or after the event, with our apologies.
With introductory remarks by Alessandro Pedrinoni, CEO of Fidinam APC and Managing Director at Fidinam Vietnam
Member Price
Please purchase this ticket if you would like to attend the event in-person
Alternatively you can attend online, please register for the 'online' ticket
Standard Price
Please purchase this ticket if you would like to attend the event in-person
Alternatively you can attend online, please register for the 'online' ticket
* Please consider BLCC membership