There are many reasons why companies would pick Hong Kong to base their company: a business friendly environment, great geographical location, connectivity in the region, easy access to Mainland China and an unshakable rule of law. But why would Hong Kong be a great destination for companies active in shipping & logistics specifically? We decided to ask 2 of our corporate members to explain, and you are warmly invited to listen to their points of view!
On 30 March 6pm our members can look forward to a candid talk about the 'Role of Hong Kong in International Shipping & Logistics'. We are thrilled to present this talk to you as it is a first collaboration between your BLCC and the Belgium Hong Kong Society (BHKS) in Brussels. It's a pleasure to welcome as our moderator Mr Piet Cremers, Chairman of Anglo-Eastern Ship Management. Opening remarks are kindly provided by Mr Benjamin Wong, Head of Transport, Infrastructure & Advanced Manufacturing at InvestHK.
Following the opening remarks, Mr Bjorn Hojgaard, CEO Anglo-Eastern Ship Management and Mr Benoit De Swert, CEO Ziegler Logistics Hong Kong take the stage to share their views on Hong Kong's role. Also they will respond to questions as posed by our audience from Belgium.
Please join in for this high level talk with titans of industry with decades of business experience in Hong Kong & Asia; it promises to be an hour well spent!
Mar 30, 2022
18:00 - 19:00 GMT+8
*Become a BLCC / BHKS Member today!